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  • Writer's pictureSamantha Staudinger

Project 1: Sketching

Ignited by the surrealist lens, I wanted to create a piece that resembles the mindset of a musician: one filled with complexity, contradictions, and creativity. I wanted to make sense of the unconscious musician's mind, specifically mine as a pianist. In the process of performing and creating music, notes, and pieces come together in such a unified way that I get transported into a state of freedom - a feeling I hope my audience will receive. But how I get to such a familiar high is unknown. This super-reality - so it is called - is exactly wanted to make sense of with this piece.

Sketching Initial Ideas of Piano Keys as a Found Object

At first, I wanted the found object to be a keyboard or piano keys. I had the concept of creating "invisible" staircases of piano keys to symbolize the path of the musician's high. My other idea was to recreate a piano man with the keys. However, due to the resources and the timeline of the project, I was not able to obtain piano keys. But, I rethought it!!!

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